

SCC Research Unit: School of Engineering

  The Department of Engineering Technology has two main research groups in six programs. The artificial intelligence research group consists of 3 programs : Software Engineering, Big Data Engineering and Information Security Management. The industrial internet research group consists of 3 programs: Intelligent Control Technology,Cloud Computing Technology and Mechatronics. In 2020, the AIoT (Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things) and IIT (Industrial Internet Technology) research groups were established to promote the program development of the two major-groups.


  1. Industrial Internet Research Group

  The Industrial Internet Research Group focuses its targets on the internet of things, machines, computers, and people, enabling intelligent industrial operations using advanced data analytics for transformational business outcomes, and it is redefining the landscape for businesses and individuals alike. As we know, most industries will benefit from the development and popularization of the industrial internet technologies in many areas, such as reducing maintenance costs, saving energy, reducing waste and boosting workforce productivity. This research group focuses on the following domains: equipment monitoring, preventive maintenance, quality control, energy management. So far, it has conducted these Grant Proposals: The Industrial Internet innovation project of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)(2019-2021); Visualized integrated development environment for industrial applications; Major scientific and technological projects of Tianjin Province Science and Technology Office — (2019-2023); Industrial Internet platform development and application.


  The Leading Researchers

  Prof. Dr. PENG Zhenyun , President, Chief Scientist in AI / Suzhou Centennial College

  Dr. Peng Zhenyun is currently the President of Suzhou Centennial College(SCC) and a visiting researcher and doctoral supervisor at Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics(SINANO), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr.Peng is also the vice chairman and director of the academic committee of The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Alliance of Private Education in China(IEEAC-PEC) and a standing member of the Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Advisory Committee of the China Light Industry Information Center(CLII). Dr. Peng received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degree from Tsinghua University. He has presided over or participated in 18 national, provincial and municipal scientific research projects, published more than 20 SCI/EI academic papers and 5 books, presided over the development of more than 50 software products, founded 3 technology companies and participated in the founding of 4 scientific research or educational institutions.


  Prof. JIA Changyun , Dean/School of Engineering

  Professor Jia Changyun is currently the Dean of the School of Engineering at the Suzhou Centennial College(SCC). Professor Jia graduated from Tianjin University Of Science & Technology with a bachelor's degree and received master's degree in software engineering from Hohai University. He served as the head of the Academic Affairs Office, Information Center (Informationization Office), and Engineering Training Center. He has edited 12 sets of computer textbooks including the national planning teaching material "Visual Programming Application", most of which are published by Higher Education Press. The "Engineering Training" edited by him is a key teaching materials of Jiangsu Province. He has undertaken nearly 20 provincial and municipal projects, won the first and second prizes of provincial higher education teaching achievements and published more than 20 papers. He mainly engages in mechanical design, computer technology, higher education management. The main courses undertaken are database technology, principle and application of single chip microcomputer, electrical control and PLC technology.


  2. Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things Research Group / AIoT Research Group

  Established in 2020, the AIoT Lab’s main research focus has been the development of innovative technologies that serve the purposes of the industrial internet of things. Individually, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are powerful technologies. When you combine AI and IoT, you get AIoT—the artificial intelligence of things. You can think of internet of things devices as the digital nervous system while artificial intelligence is the brain of a system. When “things” such as wearable devices, refrigerators, digital assistants, sensors and other equipment are connected to the internet, can be recognized by other devices to collect and process data, you have the internet of things. Artificial intelligence is when a system can complete a set of tasks or learn from data in a way that seems intelligent. Therefore, when artificial intelligence is added to the internet of things it means that those devices can analyze data and make decisions and act on that data without involvement by humans. The combo of internet of things and smart systems makes AIoT a powerful and important tool for many applications, for instance, smart retail, drone traffic monitoring, fleet management and autonomous vehicles, autonomous delivery robots, etc. So far, this research group has completed these Grant Proposals: The Suzhou Science and Technology Development Plan (2013-2016) (NO.SG201326); A multi-view stereo based 3D face reconstruction and printing system; Foundation of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Office — Industry-University-Research cooperation program(2012-2015)( NO. BY2012125); A facial caricature synthesis system based on a novel hierarchical decomposition model. And, it has won these rewards: Leading sci-tech talent of “Suzhou Industrial Park Jinji Lake Double Hundred Talents Program” in 2013 (LEI WEI); The Leading Representative Researchers.


  The Leading Researchers

  Dr. WEI Lei

  Dr. Wei Lei studied at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Ph.D. in Electronic Science and Technology). Dr. Wei has over 10 years of rich research and development experience in image processing, computer vision, and machine learning. After graduating from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, he joined Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), CAS, where he served as a postdoctoral research fellow for studying face alignment and 3D face reconstruction. Three years later, he co-founded LIDX Digital Ltd, Suzhou, and led a team working on algorithms research and development for computer vision related applications, such as facial expression analysis, human pose estimation, objection detection, etc. Dr.Wei has been working with Suzhou Centennial College as a tenure-track assistant professor since March, 2020. Currently, he is in charge of curriculum design and content development for cloud computing and big data technology majors.


  Ms. ZHAO Chunyan

  Ms. Zhao Chunyan is a research assistant in the School of Engineering at Suzhou Centennial College(SCC). She received her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Techniques from Shandong University in 2016. After that, she worked as a software engineer in ISoftStone, from 2016-2017. Then she worked as a computer visiion algorithm engineer in LIDX Digital Ltd, from 2017-2019. Her current research interests lie at the intersection of Computer Vision and Machine Learning, such as image recognition, with work conducted on topics such as meta learning and human analysis.


  Mr. Jeffrey FENG

  Mr. Feng got master’s degree of Software Engineering at Southeast University and Bachelor degree of Computer Science at Soochow University. He has 17 years working experience in IT area of foreign company, completely independently of IT management for one company for 10 years related IT operations and information security management; Good experience on orientation trainings. Good experience on software and hardware setup & maintenance of servers, maintenance & management of computer network, Cisco network switch’s configuration, and other IT infrastructure management; Good experience on IT project management, security and risk management, communication and network security and security operations.


  Prof. WU Jianping

  Professor Wu Jianping has been teaching for 42 years,with a rigorous teaching attitude and rich teaching and scientific research achievements. She has led and guided students to participate in the provincial "Challenge Cup" extracurricular academic and technological works competition and won prizes. The textbook edited by her has been rated as the textbook of the 12th Five Year Plan of vocational education, and several papers have been published in core journals.


  Ms. NING Fangmei

  In the past two years, more than 5 academic papers have been published in journals at or above the provincial level by Ms.Ning, covering the research on higher vocational education, image processing, springboot technology, etc.; completed a college level project research on the design and implementation of enterprise one card platform under the framework of springboot technology, and a municipal key project to further explore the practical curriculum system of "four docking" based on employment orientation And Optimization - Taking software technology major as an example ";the other two topics are under study.At present, focus on the professional technology research of big data and artificial intelligence.


  Ms. HE Xuemei

  Ms. He Xuemei mainly engaged in network infrastructure engineering, cloud platform technology and network  system attack and defense technology . She has presided over and participated in 4 provincial and municipal projects and published many professional papers.